Saturday, March 3, 2012


Howdy FreeStylers. It's been a minute - how are y'all? Hope your 2012 is goin' just fine. A quickie cowhide/military look for ya today: most of the items I'm showing below are free or $1L, but you gotta hurry on a few of 'em (most def grab these gorge perfectly kelly green free shoes before they go bye-bye). I dressed down this look with a new "evil eyed" cap hair by MonS + a free fun messenger bag from the soon-to-be-ending Sesame Street Hunt (you still have a day or so to grab it); the cowprint dress is another free hunt gift, which I liked with these $1L fingerless gloves with this sleeveless look. Here's a close-up of this skin (you get the frex face tat in the paid group gift). -- Plus as you can see, apparently somebody got wind of a tres exciting Snuffaluffagus sighting. Hehe.

And now I wanted to mention something that I thought would be of interest to anyone who faithfully reads this blog: a great friend to FreeStyle over the years, creator Squinternet Larnia of Donna Flora, is undergoing something truly excruciating in RL, and 1 of SL's most beloved & community-fostering bloggers, Cajsa Lilliehook, has organized a designer tribute to Squinternet that you can read more about here. If you're new to SL, this multi-blogger effort also constitutes a visual lookbook of sorts for Squinternet's best-loved designs; there's many lovely gifties at her inworld store too, plus a lucky chair, and oodles of designs worth spending your hard-earned $L. I also wanted to salute Cajsa for organizing this truly lovely gesture (she's quite the "gem" herself!) + also because I think this kind of selfless effort should be applauded (in any life).

Appreciative love + fashionista kisses to all!

Teshan2222 Wycliffe

Dress: .::CENSORED::. - Dress Clarissa - ANIMAL HUNT #01.::CENSORED::. - find/buy black pawprints for $0L - free 
Shoes: House of Fox - AcapellaPumpsV2[Green] - buy black shopping bag on ground (labeled "FREE GIFT") for $0L - free 
Skin: :: Exodi :: - Sophie Cachet - Goddess (LT); worn with :: Exodi :: Sophie - Freckles - Midtone - (both included in :: Exodi :: VIP Gift - Sophie "Goddess") - paid group gift (new!) - free 
Red lipstick (not included in gift): :: Exodi :: - Sophie - Cachet Lipsticks - Cherrie Pop (new!) 
Fingerless gloves: .:Hermony:. - LeatherGloves / Fingerless / Black - buy on gloves display shelf (more colors available) - $1L 
Bag: *ChiChi's Pocket* - Monster St. Messenger Bag - SSH #27 *ChiChi's Pocket* - find/buy yellow rubber ducky for $0L; *NOTE: hunt ends on March 5, so hurry! hunt blog hint list here - free 
Ring: The Sea Hole @ Collabor88 - Wooded Face Ring - R - SeaGlass (coming soon to next installment of Collabor88!) *mwuahs Drinkinstein Sorbet* 
Hair w/ cap: MONS - Hair - Sarah (lightblack) (new!) *mwuahs Ekilem Melodie*
Tie: BOTHER. - House Ties (Green) *mwuahs Ghost Harris* 
Socks: .::Mother Goose's::. - knee socks set A - knee socks girl&boy  
Big bird toy: .FairyTale Gardens. - .FG. Big Bird Tot Plushie - find/buy yellow rubber ducky for $0L; *NOTE: hunt ends on March 5, so hurry! hunt blog hint list here - free 
Arm tattoo: Flasher - Military Love - buy chocolate sprinkles donut in center of table - $1L 
Eyes: IKON - Utopia Eyes - Pale Green (M) (new!) *mwuahs Ikon Innovia* 
Turquoise earrings & cuff: Donna Flora - ABIGALE turquoise set#1 *mwuahs Squinternet Larnia* 
 Pose: Le Poppycock (new!) *double mwuahs Julliette Bade & Olivia Lalonde*

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