Each Designer/Vendor has up to ten items on sale for you to browse, as well as one special event only item. This could be something new, or something already released, but it will be in an exclusive colour or edition just for the sale. If that wasn't enough, these items will be set for only L$50!
You would think it doesn't get better, but oh it does, never fear! There is also a hunt going on. Most Designers/Vendors have one to three spring flowers packed with goodies. These are priced between L$0-L$10.
The hunt runs alongside the event, which is from April 14th until April 29th. I will be putting up as much as I can over the next little while, so you can see all the items that have been made your your enjoyment.
You have just today until this event is over. With over 35 designers and just as many hunt items(if not more), it is worth it to stop by, even if only for a few minutes.
If you'd like to see Part 1 of the coverage, go HERE!
I really wanted to show you these earrings from Fulo. I only managed to find the 2 pairs, there is one more out in the hunt somewhere. The other pair I found was pink. Maybe the third is Yellow?
Anyways . . .
The earrings inspired the whole outfit. I was just lucky that this dress from Orquidea matched so well. Adriannesuz McMinnar did a great job on this dress. I'm not one for white, but she picked the right dazzling blue to turn this dress into a ten. This is the Orquidea Spring Sale Exclusive, so you wont see this variation ever again.
I snagged the nails out of the Fashion Consolidated Group Notices. They colour change, shine change and you can even fiddle with how transparent they are. All the colours are in the blue range. Thanks to Marisa Yip for sharing these with us.
Here is a closer shot of the earrings. They are studded with tonnes of tiny little blue gems. I really do adore these. The necklace is from Aluinn, now it was a past gift, it isn't out anymore, sadly. There are other gifts now up for grabs, so you might want to take a peek.
Little.Dirty.Secret has done a major rebuild on the store, and has new products out too. I couldn't resist getting these free eyes, not like I needed more eyes. Okay, that is a lie, always need more eyes.
/me hoards all the eyes!
There are some for L$15 in a gacha and one pair in an MM board too.
Skin - WoW Skins - Lory BDE Exclusive - L$79 (Best Designers Exile Event)
Hair - The Stringer Mausoleum - Assassin in Chambary - Not Free
Contacts - Insufferable Dastard - Eye Effects prim shine 5 - Not Free
Lashes - Chaisuki - Lashes 43 - Not Free
Dress - Orquidea - Garden Dress - Flawless Spring Sale Exclusive Item - L$50
Earrings - FuLo - Lacie Earrings in white w/aquamarine - Flawless Spring Sale Hunt Item
Necklace - Aluinn - Tear Drop Necklace - Past Free Gift (Other Gifts in Shop)
Nails - Trendy Dolls - Magic Blue 2 nails - FREE (Fashion Colsolidated Group Gift)
Poses by Olive Juice
With all my issues with my computer and with sl(ever since their surprise buggering on thursday), I didn't manage to get all of what i wanted to show you for the hunt done up. I knew I'd have to pick and choose, since there was so much good stuff in the hunt and the sale.
I might not like pink, but I knew you guys would like this dress. I do like the idea of it, and got a whole "Lady of the Night" thing going on for yous. This is the hunt gift from Paris Metro. Now I love big ass poofy gowns. I have more than a few that would not get through doorways. That being said, I think this would have been ruined if made that way, the slim design does it more justice, and was much easier to pose with. We need more poof dress poses, ones were my hands aren't in my hair, or on my face, or playing with my boobs.
I know, I know! FuLo Jewelry, again! But dude, this shit is the good shit, not that stinky lunch bag someone placed on your doorstep shit. It's the kind of shit you want to dip into melted gold and place on your mantle.
And it went perfect with the gown. Just saying. It's on the FuLo cart, and on sale.
I normally don't hawk my own wares on here, I just wear them. This hair I made randomly for my Shrine line, which no longer exists. It use to be on the Ivalde sim, filled with lashes and retro hairs. Now, this hair never got released, but I used it in an ad recently, and decided to set it out if people wanted it. It is in a L$25 mystery box(filled with other random shit, and another colour of this hair in a blood red) on my sales cart. If you want it nab it. Not sure if I will ever have it for sale as it doesn't fit with my own store line.
The skin is from Eat Paste. I found the store when I got a notice from The Eldergoth Macabre group inworld. It was for some event, but I backtracked to the store, and lookie, prezzie! NABS. I like the mature goth look it brought out on my custom shape.
Skin - Eat Paste - Noelle skin in Fair - L$1 (Instore Gift)
Hair - The Stringer Shrine - Morning Hunt in Darknight - Flawless Spring Sale Item L$25
Eyes - By Snow - Dusted Eyes 2009 - FREE (Instore Gift)
Lashes - MMSkins(Now LeLutka) - Thora Lashes - NLA (I'm sure they have other lashes now tho)
Dress - Paris Metro - Elemental Cherry Blossom - Flawless Spring Sale Hunt Item
Jewelry Set - FuLo - Regina II Jewelry Set - Flawless Spring Sale Item
Poses by KS2Kool
Sorry I couldn't show you guys more, but seriously there is so much offered in the hunt. There is like 5 more dresses, full on outfits, 2 pairs of shoes, hair, eyes, skins, shapes, furniture, pillows, plants, makeup, tattoos, jewelry, BEER! Yes there is even beer! oh and a Demon horn/tail set. Stuff for petites too.
Oh ya . . . Kira of Style by Kira, she set out 6 purple flowers last night. They have special skins that she decided to put in as an extra special "last few days of the hunt" sort of thing. I haven't grabbed them yet, but they look nice!
Good Luck Hunting!
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