Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Adore Mass Amounts of Gifts

Adore & Abhor has been very, very generous lately. I have taken three pictures of freebies and cheapies available in the store and it's only a *tiny* portion of the items available.
Many items are available to the VIP group for free (50L join fee I think. Been a while since I joined so not sure anymore but I don't think it's a high fee either way.) There are also freebies (like this green dress), dollarbies, gacha cheapies, hunt gifts (like the makeups below and above) and much more.
The bodysuit, makeup and boots below are *some* of the items you can win by by 7Seas fishing at A&A. While the fishing pole and bait is not free, it is a great investment as you can use it at many stores aside from A&A, such as Sn@tch, DV8, Somnia, Sanu and soooooooooooo many more locations I can't list them all.
I hope you adore these items and take a chance to look around at the regular items as well because there are tons of 0L or less goodies hiding out!

All Clothing, Makeup, Shoes and Accessories: Adore & Abhor, 0L-50L from various things like gifts, hunts, group gifts, etc.
Skin: Mango, Mango!
Hair: Nomine
Poses: Glitterati

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