Monday, December 5, 2011

Ivalde's Advent Hunt

I have about a million reasons why I adore Nefaria Abel from Ivalde.  Not only is she an extremely skilled clothing maker, but she is tops on my list as one of the most generous on the grid.  I am thrilled to see some new interest in her work from the Vintage Fair; she has been in SL for as long as I can remember and her primary pursuit has always been period pieces.  I adored her work under the L'Abel brand but that is a highly saturated market.  Anyway, she has always consistently given a monthly gift to Ivalde group members, had lucky chairs and in-store hunts, participates in the occasional grid-wide hunt (she is in POE right now, which is organized by one of her trusted representatives, Sequoia Nightfire, designer in her own right with Aurora Borealis), and an advent tree every year.  I am overjoyed that this year, instead of killing herself making new pieces for an advent tree (and how many Christmas shirts do we need) she is handpicking an item from her collection to be free every day until Christmas.  Anyone can buy the gift; but only group members can pick up a daily hint which really cuts down on hunting time.  The items I'm showing above are some of the past daily items so they aren't free anymore.  And the item isn't always red or green.  Today's item is black.  I don't hit all the advent events on the grid these days but this is one I would hate to miss, mostly because it provides me with a chance to get excited about Ivalde all over again.

dresses: Ivalde: Advent Hunt 2011 past gifts
shoes: Dilly Dolls: Cura Pumps - one of my favorite ever purchases from Vintage Fair and hopefully, now in store.
hairs: brown: ploom: Mimi: from Vintage fair and now in store
         blonde: LOQ: Redwine: from Vintage Fair and should be in store now
skin: Boho Beauty: Sloan Vintage: from Vintage Fair and should be in store now
necklaces: 1: Bliensen & MaiTai: Beware of Wolves: also available super cheap at the FTLO Black Market in a transferable version!
                 2: Caroline's: Pearls & Cameo Necklace: from Vintage Fair and should be in store now

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