Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Group Changes

Morning peoples! 

If you are in our in-world group you maybe already be aware of this.  I'm cutting back the amount of stores who can send notices to maximum 100 (currently we have over 400).  Therefore, there have been way too many notices being sent and it's been really difficult to keep on top of, also notices have not been getting through so I'm hoping this will fix the issue.  

If you wish to be able to send notices please TP to Free*Style Horst and click the sign for info and application. I'm hoping for stores with superior quality creations and because of this I've also changed the advertising amount anything below 10L

I will make my final decisions end of next week so if you are interested, please send your applications to my alt FREESTYLE ADAMSKI as soon as possible.

I am sorry to offend anyone if their application is not successful this time, but please keep trying, I'm sure people will come and go all the time. 

Creamy x

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