Friday, March 19, 2010

New Delhi!

Well hello girls and boys it's time for another RFL post! This time set in New Delhi :D All items are 0L-10L unless it states otherwise.
Outfit: Likka HouseOutfit: Sari's, RFL item

Dress: Sinful Pleasures
Bindis (Worn throughout): Sari's
Nose Studs (Worn throughout): Patchworks
Top and Capris: Zaara
Jewelry: Silq'WaggiTees: Sakinah

Top: Fantasia
Top and Earrings: Haven Designs
Skirt: Fantasia, RFL item (300L for a fat pack!!)
Bracelets: Zaara (LOVE THESE! One of my fave freebies)Shoes: Fake

And now for more from the wonderful world of exciting Eden!Shirt: Zaara, RFL donation item
Dress: Zaara, RFL donation item
Eden and I have more pics but I decided not to post more since this post is already way too long and I will have to do a two part post lol. Just goes to show there are tons of awesome free, cheap, and charity donation items available at the New Delhi sim! A great way to spend a day and to support a good cause!
P.S.- Just a reminder, if it doesn't say anything after the name that means it is 0L-10L. "RFL donation item" means it is over 10L but the money goes to charity!

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