Monday, March 15, 2010


Prepare for a long, picture heavy post because the Tokyo Relay For Life (RFL) sim is super awesome! I am going to post freebies, full priced donation items, as well as regular priced non-donation items. Why non-donation items, you ask? Well all the creators are putting out donation items and they deserve to make a couple bucks too, am I right? On with the show!
Both Dress FREE from G Field
Not Free RFL Donation Items: Likka House (50L), Honey Kitty (250L), and Honey Kitty (250L)
FREE items from: KWZ, Fumiwo, Honey Kitty (Skirt only. Top is from Khush, not free)
tokyo cont_001
Donation outfit from G Field (300L)
FREE tattoo from Body Canvas
Not Free Dress from Lika Ruby (250L)
Not Free Dress from Bare Rose (160L)
Eden was kind enough to agree to taking some more shots of stuff from the Tokyo sim!Donation Item from Bare Rose (160L)Donation Item from Umi Usagi (50L)Donation Item Shoes from Nonko (330L)Dress from G Field (300L)
OK! OMG *falls over and dies from blog exhaustion* I know it's picture heavy but it's all such a great event for a great cause! Over 2 MILLION Lindens raised already for Relay For Life. Go spend and not feel guilty! ;D
P.S.- There are a few more freebies and cheapies that I just could not get photographed due to major SL fail lately (anyone else having problems attaching things, TPing, saving notecards, uploading textures...everything!?) Make sure to check out Virtual Impressions for a free necklace, Asteria for a 10L hat for a RFL donation, a free tintable awareness ribbon tattoo from Aitui, and Umi Usagi for more 50L RFL donation items!
P.P.S.- The Likka House dress is on the New Delhi sim I just got confuzzled lol

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