Monday, March 8, 2010

JE*Republic hunt+ Accessory Fair hunt gifts

**edited, Dress, shoes and necklace in first picture, all free! Many thanks to Sileny omg!

Free skybox+furniture from ABISS!
JE*Republic Gift Box Hunt, 0L & 1L. Skins, clothes, hair.
Hair, clothes and accessories from Accessory Fair 2010 Hunt!

Dress, shoes, necklace and earrings from Donna Flora at Fabulous Fashion TV, ALL FREE! the necklace is gorgeous I want to wear it with everything. Get the red box with the yellow ribbon on top. Thanks to Nicandra Laval for sharing this with the Free*Style group!

10L hair from RezIpsah Loc at accessory fair, color change flower
black beaded bracelet from Perturb/ation at accessory fair, not free but beautiful

hair, hunt gift from IREN at accessory fair, so pretty!
skin and dress, hunt gift from JE*Republic
necklace and bracelet from P/erturbation, not free but gorgeous
bangles(right hand) from *Ticky Tacky* not free but affordable!
zebra clutch, hunt gift from Wanda's

hair, hunt gift from CriCri (cricri's hairs are insanely cute, try demos!) color-change ears and hair comes in black, white and light orange.
skin and dress: hunt gift from JE*Republic
bracelet: U&R Dogs, not free
Necklace of roses+ribbon: special recolor of Fairy Tail's newest release at Accessory Fair, 50L special!

skin, hair, bikini(tiger), jacket(comes in turquoise, green and red): JE*Republic hunt
jewellery: Ganked gift at accessory fair!

four JE*Republic skins, 3 are 1L, 1 is 0L
earrings+sunglasses(not shown), glow studio's special promotion of 50L at accessory fair
necklace: Perturb/ation, not free

beautiful skybox with lighting, comes with the tv(not functional), shelves, and art(the biggest artpiece is not detachable from the skybox) subscribo gift from ABISS, check history, first notice

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